NAHID RACHLIN has published three much acclaimed novels, FORIEGNER (W.W. Norton, 1978), MARRIED TO A STRANGER (E.P. Dutton, 1983), and THE HEARTS DESIRE (City Lights, 1995), as well as a collection of short stories, VEILS(City Lights, 1993). All of these are in print and available in paper back editions from chain bookstores. Her work has appeared in many journals including Crazy Horse, Fiction, Literary Review, North Atlantic Review, Prairie Schooner,Redbook, Shenendoah, among many others. Anthologies which have included her work include Matters of Gender (McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited), Stories From the American Mosaic (Graywolf Press), Power Play: Individuals in conflict (Prentice Hall), Arrivals, Cross-Cultural Experiences in Literature (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company), and A World Between (George Braziller). She has been a recipient of a Doubleday-Columbia Fellowship and a Wallace Stegner Fellowship, a Bennet Cerf Award, PEN Syndicated Fiction Project Award, and a National Endowment for the Arts grant. Her many recent radio and public readings include a wide variety of schools, libraries and institutes--The American Association of University Women, Columbia University, Harvard University, New York State Writer's Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Yale University, and many others. Recent interviews of her appear in Poet's and Writer's Magazine, and The New York Times. She currently lives in New York city and teaches writing at the New School University.